Wednesday, November 11, 2015

It's bottoms up for Suzy Cortez, who has just been declared the 2015 winner of the Miss BumBum Pageant,
The cheeky contest to aims to find the top bottom in Brazil. 
To win the coveted prize, the 26-year-old fitness model had to beat out 500 other fannies, including 15 at the Monday night finale.

To get to this exalted place in Brazilian culture, Cortez had to work her gluteus to the maximus.

  • "I've been preparing myself for the past four months," Cortez said, according to the Mirror. "I've always wanted to win this contest. I dedicated myself completely. I dieted and did rigorous training."

Some Brazilian women take their heineys so seriously the have them insured in case of an injury during carnival time, according to the Mirror.


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