Tuesday, November 10, 2015

When caterpillars almost magically become butterflies, they metamorphosize into something quite incredible. It’s a pretty unique thing to see in nature. Us humans don’t hide in our beds for a week and then turn into dragons, for instance (more’s the pity). But perhaps we come kind of close when we – and by ‘we’, we’re talking about the female of the species here – becomes pregnant. The change is pretty remarkable. You swell up, you’re sick all the time, you eat coal… Things get seriously weird. And when things get weird, things fail. And when things fails, 4AllFails covers them….

Leaving your family thousands of miles behind you as you fly overseas to fight wars in the desert is heartbreakingly troublesome. We can only imagine how difficult it must be. But we’re sure the thoughts, memories and photos of your loved ones must ease the pain. As must the promise of seeing them again. It’s been twelve months since this guy’s been out of The States and hey – he’s even got a new kid on the way. Hang on… *does the math* SAY WHAAAAAA’?!


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